Sunday 25 January 2015

JAPAN - Asakusa

JAPAN - Asakusa

Asakusa is located a few steps from Asakusa Station, Tokyo. The most famous attraction in Asakusa is Sensoji Temple (also known as Asakusa Kannon Temple), which was built in the 7th century.

A shopping street of over 200 meters, called Nakamise, leads from the outer gate to the temple's second gate, the Hozomon. 

Nakamise is one of the oldest shopping centers in Japan with a variety of traditional Japanese snacks and souvenirs. If you like Japanese Mochi, Nakamise is the right place for buying cute delicious Mochi..! :)

Sensoji (Asakusa Kannon) :

Shopping at Nakamise:

Cute Japanese Souvenirs:

Cute Yummyyy Japanese Mochi & Snacks :

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